Thursday, December 23, 2004

Carl Hoch

This sums up one reason why some reject the Christian faith and distrust Christianity as a whole. Church kids would be a good example.
What is legalism to one is not legalism to another. People have their own set of extra-biblical rules that seem appropriate to them. But then each person's set becomes the standard for other Christians. The person who has power and influence will soon gain a large following whose adherents will believe that their "set" is the true set. Those individuals in the group who do not necessarily accept that set as legitimate may still comply out of fear of punishment, ostracism, and "shunning." All of these supererogations become identified with Christianity and build up an unnecessary wall between the church and the world. We should not be surprised when people reject Christianity for the wrong reason, thinking that they must give up movies or some other item on someone's list in order to become a true believer. What a terrible distortion of Scripture and true Christianity! In essence another gospel has been created that leads to confusion within and without the church.

I would say that these sets of Christian "sub-rules" block many church goers from truly knowing Christ. We must ignore so called Christian values to pursue the true presence of Christ. Don't associate God with puny legalistic and controlling people. He, of course, is much bigger than them. A lot more appealing too.


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