Richard Foster
"The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people."
Jeff :: Beth :: Madeline :: Owen
"The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people."
"In things essential, unity; things nonessential, liberty; and in all things, charity."
"God just be Jesus to us." I am not sure of which heresy this prayer is an example; however, it certainly ranks as the most non-sensical prayer I have heard.
Had a good laugh when I looked at Group Magazine's November/December issue. The cover says "Burnout-Proof Your Life." That's gonna go right next to my new book called "Insulate Yourself From Pain." I mean lets get real... pain and burnout are just realities of living in this wacked world. Yes, Jesus is there and yes, we have pain.
"If God puts no trust in His saints, and the heavens are not pure in HIs sight, how much less man, who is abominable and filthy, who drinks iniquity like water!" (Job 15:15-16)
"Never be afraid if your circumstances dispute what you have been taught about God; be willing to examine what you have been taught, and never take the conception of a theologian as infallible; it is simply an attempt to state things."
I wonder if the reason why God allowed me to go through this little test the last couple of years was to once and for all eliminate any doubt that I was not a "good person." He let me see the ugliness of pride and control in some people so that I could be sure to know that our righteousness would never cut it. We are all frail, broken and hollow vessels incapable of making the journey to holiness without Christ.
After reading about "slaughter houses" in Fallujah I start to understand that taking this city might just be a good thing. See article here. Our reasons for being in Iraq have become hazy for me, but this makes gives me a reason for today.
Old news, but I'm sure glad the Red Sox one. What a classy ending to the baseball season. And beating the Yanks after being down 3-0. Storybook man.
If we want a clean America, we need clean hearts. That has got to start in my heart and in your heart. The best way, the only way for America to be a beacon of hope for our world (Republican or Democrat), is for America to pull it's heart out of the gutter of self interest. When all of us are motivated out of the highest happiness of God and we love our neighbor as we love ourself (as Jesus defined that phrase) we are going to succeed. Until then its all talk and no action.
Great to see Clint and Chrissy at Red Robin at Southcenter on Tuesday night. What great folks.
I had my first chance to fiddle around on the newly redesigned iMac on Tuesday. It was painful. I wonder if I could squeeze the necessary funds out of thin air to get one. I'm no Apple expert, but I am coming to believe that Macintosh is a vastly superior computing experience (to borrow lingo from several mac evangelists). The "Macintosh isn't compatible" mantra is no longer true and I would love to see more people check them out. They make MS Windows XP (which was a big improvement over previous versions of Windows) seem clunky and awkward. I don't believe those who say that Mac is only good for "artsy types" either.
Why does the Christian universe in the west wait for position before it will minister. What is that? What is it that causes us to wait until we are a pastor or until we have been given the title "director" to step out and bring healing for Jesus. In reading Bonhoeffer's "The Cost of Discipleship" I found the following quote referring to disciples:
"These men without possessions or power, these strangers on earth, these sinners, these followers of Jesus, have in their life with him renounced their own dignity for they are merciful. They have an irresistible love for the down-=trodden, the sick, the wretched, the wronged, the outcast and all who are tortured with anxiety."This kind of ministry doesn't wait for Sunday morning. It doesn't wait for Wednesday night Bible study or any such formal gathering. It is the natural outflow of the true servant of Christ that picks up the hurting where they are at and bandages their wounds. Now if we started living that kind of life we'd be going somewhere.